Sweet Deals

Hey dear Tomorrow morning we go to Munich to #foreverkickoff 2018 I'm looking forward …

Hey dear
Tomorrow morning we go to Munich to #foreverkickoff 2018 I'm looking forward …


Hey dear ?
Tomorrow morning we're going to Munich #foreverkickoff 2018 I'm soooo happy o
The joint kick-off from Germany, Austria and Switzerland is the most important DACH event of the year.
Success Day is the official corporate event for all forever business owners and interested parties.
I will report to you ?

Today there were sweet and sour baked chicken ?Was mega delicious ❣❣❣
| 500 g chicken breasts 1 tsp turmeric | 3 tbsp soy sauce Salt & pepper (from the mill).
Wash the chicken breast, pat dry and cut into pieces of the same size
Put the chicken in a bowl, add the turmeric and soy sauce and mix everything. • Soak the wooden skewers with water and then put the seasoned meat on them.
| 300g Basmati rice | 400g chicken meat 1 red pepper | 1 bell pepper yellow
| 2 carrots | bamboo shoots at will | 1 small piece of ginger | 1 tsp olive oil | 200g pineapple | 300ml orange juice without added sugar 150g ketchup without added sugar 25g Xucker @ xucker.de |
Salt, pepper, curry, paprika |
Cut the carrots and peppers into wedges.
And let the bamboo shoots drain.
Chop ginger and cut the pineapple into the desired size.
Fry the ginger
After about 5 minutes, add the carrot slices and continue to fry.
In the meantime, mix the orange juice, ketchup and rice syrup alternative xucker into a sauce
Now add the peppers to the pan
and pour the sauce over everything.
Add bamboo shoots
and let the pineapple and everything simmer again for about 15 minutes. Season to taste and serve with basmati rice.

Good Appetite!

#cleaneating #fitnesslifestyle #fitness #bodybuilding #eat #healthy #chinese # sweet and sour #healthy slimming #healthy life #fitfood #foodporn #fooddiary #diet #healtychildren #health #healthyfood #foodlover #essenistliebe # food power happy #cooking pity #favorite to eat #favorite # slimming #recipe ideas #dinner



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