Food Minimalist

Happy Saturday friends! Celebrating the weekend with this frozen smoothie bowl t…

Happy Saturday friends! Celebrating the weekend with this frozen smoothie bowl t…


Happy Saturday friends! Celebrating the weekend with this frozen smoothie bowl topped with @nutsolaofficial peanut butter bar mix made with great clean ingredients ?? Such a yummy topping (thanks @nutsolaofficial ?) with this blend of frozen strawberries, peaches, pineapple, banana with almond milk and half scoop of @22daysnutrition vanilla protein powder ??✨
Hoping you all have a great weekend! I’ve had family visiting from overseas and have been away quite a bit from insta recently, so while we are enjoying the time together, I’m also missing you guys! What’s everyone up to this weekend??
#wellandgoodeats #letscookvegan #thefeedfeed #food52grams #veganfood #whatsonmyplate #eattherainbow #healthfood #healthylifestyle #dairyfree #simplerecipes #plantbasedfood #veganinspo #foodblogfeed #vegan_veganfood #befitfoods #healthyvegan #plantpowered #smoothiebowl #bestofvegan #contemporaryvegan #forksoverknives #glutenfreevegan #yumvegantreats #smoothiebowls #smoothie_planet #smoothierecipes #coconutbowls



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