Sweet Deals

Hands up weekend !!! With this recipe I want to give you something else …

Hands up weekend !!! With this recipe I want to give you something else …


Hands up weekend !!! With this recipe I want to sweeten it a little more ❣

Low carb pancakes
For approx. 2-3 pancakes ?4Eier?1El #foreverultravanilla or other protein ?1El almond flour ?120g cream cheese?1tl @ xucker.de ?1prise cinnamon.
Mix everything into a smooth dough and off to the pan. Fresh fruit or curd as desired.
I had E3El curd cheese ?100g blueberries ?1El Xucker
Wish you a nice weekend ?

#lowcarb #healthyfood #healthy food #fitfam #pancake #fitness #iifym #fitnessfreaks #bodytransformation #bodybuilding #healthy #foodpic #foodporn #whey #proteinpancakes #eatclean #adipositasfighter #foreverultra #recipes #sport # diet #loveeat #clverproudxucker



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