Sweet Deals

Guad Moang! Advertising | Have you ever eaten Quark Kitchens? You are so super …

Guad Moang!
Advertising | Have you ever eaten Quark Kitchens?
You are so super …


Guad Moang!
Advertising | Have you ever eaten Quark Kitchens?
They are so delicious ?. The roast takes a bit longer, but if you have a little more time in the morning is really a great breakfast and an alternative to pancakes.
Mix 150 g quark, 65 g spelled flakes, 1 egg and 25 g flour or spelled flour. Add a sip of milk. Add 5 g of baking powder, Coconut Flavordrops @ got7nutrition and make small cakes (a very sticky affair) with moistened hands, but it's worth it langsam. Slowly fry the casseroles over medium heat. Take a while to get through! ,
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