Sweet Deals

Guad Moang Today there's Crossiant again, I'm always looking forward to it …

Guad Moang Today there's Crossiant again, I'm always looking forward to it …


Guad Moang ❤️ Today's Crossiant? I'm always looking forward ?. Today with one
White chocolate protein spread and hot cherries ?. Although not a super healthy breakfast but hey .. What solls?
Actually, I was always up against fruit on bread or in the Crossiant. But once you've tasted blood ??.
That's why there are “regular crossiant inspirations from me”
I also like to say that it is always funny and on No. 1 this one comes with cherries .. then follows the chocolate banana .. the rest I'll show you the story in my story. Today's Crossiant Spam. ,
For the hot cherries, I just bissl strength with stirred so everything is tighter …
Have a nice day❤️
#croissant #chocolate bananas #nana #sweet #soulfood #feedfeed # breakfast # breakfast love #breakfastinspo #banana #backen # sundaybreakfast #sweet #highcarb #balanceddiet # treat #exhibit #vegetarian #foodiesconnected #foodies #foodpic #foodphotography #beautifulcuisines #mamablogger #recipes #Don't starve #good morning



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