Sweet Deals

Advertising | Guad Moang New happy new week. I hope you had a nice w …

Advertising | Guad Moang New happy new week. I hope you had a nice w …


Advertising | Guad Moang ❤️ New week new happiness ?. I hope you had a great weekend? My day started today with a big cup of coffee and this delicious apple cuties ❤️
applesauce is in the dough and I topped it with quark and fried cinnamon apples.
All you need is:
175 g applesauce
100 g of flour
100 g of xylitol @ got7nutrition
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tbsp cocoa powder
Separate the eggs and pour the egg whites into a tall container, beat it stiffly and gradually stir in the xylitol.
Stir the yolk under the applesauce. Now mix the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder and slowly add it to the yolk mixture. Slowly pick up the egg whites and fill the dough into a baking tray lined with baking paper at 170 ° for about 20 minutes.
Please allow the cake to cool completely .. Or best overnight.
For the topping, I sweetened 200g quark with Caramel Flavordrops @ got7nutrition.
Washed an apple, peeled and gutted. Cut into small pieces and fried in a pan with cinnamon @hartkorn_gewuerze.
With the code Magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
With the code Magic_HK20 you save 20% when purchasing @hartkorn_gewuerze
#cake #cake #pudding
#applecake #foodbloglies #feedfeed #feedfeedbaking #cakes #bakinglove #bakingfun #backenistlove # bakingmakinghappy #backlove #balanceisthekey #healthydessert #desserts #delicious #nice #thrivemags #cake baking #cakescreaming #absaremadeinthekitchen #vegetarianrecipes #recipes #recipesbuchcom # apple pie



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