Sweet Deals

Good Morning Today there is chia pudding with strawberry curd … but more earth …

Good Morning
Today there is chia pudding with strawberry curd … but more earth …


Good morning ☕
Today there is chia pudding with strawberry curd … but more strawberries than curd. My fridge is crying out for hunger! Must do some shopping today! ,
You need
5 tbsp chia seeds
300 ml almond milk
Acai Berry Flavordrops @ got7nutrition
100g strawberries
2 tbsp curd cheese
 Put the chia seeds in a bowl. Mix in the almond milk and flavordrops and mix everything well. Place in the refrigerator, stir well after 10 minutes so that no lumps form and then leave in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or until the next day. Mix the strawberries together with the curd cheese and add sweetness.
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