Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys! I have delicious oatmeal cookies with forest berry cream …

Good morning lovelys!
I have delicious oatmeal cookies with forest berry cream …


Good morning lovelys!
I baked delicious oatmeal cookies with forest berry cream! Perfect for every occasion .. whether as a little breakfast or for coffee, in between or for the #diespicebarrastetaus Challenge ? @spice_bar @dietina!
For the cookies you need:
2 very ripe bananas
160 grams of oatmeal @koelln_deutschland
80 grams of dried fruit
3 tbsp sesame seeds
A couple of sunflower seeds
Puree the ripe bananas to a fine sauce, cover the fruit with boiling water, leave to soak for a few minutes and chop into small pieces. Stir in the banana sauce with the oatmeal and sunflower seeds.
Form small balls and place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Flatten the biscuits lightly with your hands or a spoon and shape. Bake at 175 ° for about 15 minutes.
For the cream:
120 grams of berry mix (tk)
200 grams of mascarpone
4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
Put the berry mixture in a saucepan, bring to the boil with a tablespoon of water and the powdered sugar, continue to simmer at low temperature until the mixture thickens. Then either puree everything and pass through a sieve, or, if the fruit is already soft enough, immediately pass through the sieve.
Let the fruit puree cool and fold it under the mascarpone. ,
I wish you a good start to the day ☀
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