Sweet Deals

Good Morning Do you already know Peach Cobbler? If not you should …

Good Morning
Do you already know Peach Cobbler?
If not you should …


Good morning ❤️
Do you already know Peach Cobbler?
If not you should try it out ?
This dough that comes over the peaches is so delicious!
I had made this for coffee on the weekend and everyone was thrilled!
Have a nice day ?. RECIPE:
a small tin of peaches
1 tbsp cinnamon and Xucker light
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
2 tsp cornstarch

For the dough
2 cups of flour
1/2 cup of Xucker light
1/2 cup brown sugar (but you can also use another sweet)
2 teaspoons of baking soda
1 tsp salt
80 g of margarine in pieces
1/2 cup of boiling water
3 tbsp cinnamon and Xucker
Preheat the oven to 200 °.
Slice the peaches with cinnamon and sugar, nutmeg, lemon juice and cornflour until all ingredients are well mixed. Then put the peaches in a casserole dish.
Then mix all the ingredients for the dough except the boiling water and margarine in a bowl.
Using a hand mixer, add the butter to the dry ingredients until the mixture becomes crumbly.
Add the boiling water and stir again.
Then drop big tablespoons of the dough over the peaches (I hope you understand what I mean ?) Sprinkle the top of the dough evenly with cinnamon and Xucker.
Place the casserole dish in the oven and bake for 30 minutes or until the topping is golden.
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