Sweet Deals

Good Morning !! There are Microwave Porridge! For people like me from time to time …

Good Morning !! There are Microwave Porridge! For people like me from time to time …


Good Morning !! There are Microwave Porridge! For people like me, who just don't have the time and desire to turn on the stove in the morning??
Mix with 5 tablespoons of tender oatmeal in a bowl with 200 ml milk and 100 ml water and heat in the microwave for 2 ½ minutes. Then a teaspoon of Zimtluder @ call.me.the.pauli @spice_bar, a pinch of salt, sweetened with Acai Berry @ got7nutrition, stir and add to the microwave for another 3½ minutes. Let the porridge steep for 1 minute – done. Add a few berries on top and Proteinspread @ got7nutrition and you're ready to go! ? Wish you a nice day?
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With “magic10” you get -10% @ got7nutrition.
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