Sweet Deals

Good morning sweeties!! Now there's a cup of coffee and then you see …

Good morning sweeties!!
Now there's a cup of coffee and then you see …


Good morning sweeties!!
Now there's a cup of coffee and then the world looks very different ?.
I got the pancake recipe from @ van0510 ? on her account.
I topped it with protein cream (this time vanilla) and Rio Crunch @ got7nutrition. ** Text contains advertising.
I tell you these chocolate bars are sooo delicious … absolute purchase recommendation !!!! ☆☆☆☆☆ ☺.
With this post I take part in the challenge #gutelauneleckereien by @alicewunderszauberzeug and @jessi_ka_fit in cooperation with @ got7nutrition.
Wish you a good start to the day.
#coffetime #thefeedfeedbaking #cake #backenistliebe #fitnessfood #highprotein #lowfat #lowcarb #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #rezept #gesundessen # diet #lovefood #foodblogger # f52gram #foodstagram #instafood #gloobyfood #fitnessmom #food #akedpornporn
# got7nutrition #wheyisolate #proteinbaking #pancakes



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