Sweet Deals

Good morning sweeties!! I hope you had a great weekend! We have …

Good morning sweeties!! I hope you had a great weekend! We have …


Good morning sweeties!! I hope you had a great weekend! We recovered a little yesterday and today we continue with # umbau2018.
“Paradise cream”
250ml milk
1 teaspoon of guar gum
Sweetness as needed
Vanilla (fresh or flavored)
I recommend you a mixer otherwise nothing will. Lumps quickly form.
Mix the milk with the vanilla and the sweet and pour into the blender, turn on at a low setting and slowly pour the guar gum into it. Stir vigorously briefly.
Instead of vanilla, you can also use cinnamon or baked cocoa, and the milk can also be replaced with almond milk.
@orchidea_luna, @oats_and_fitfood & @spicebar #eattherainbow Challenge.
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