Sweet Deals

Good morning my cookie monster loves ☆ O V E R N I G H T O A T S ☆ what I sup …

Good morning my cookie monster loves ☆ O V E R N I G H T O A T S ☆ what I sup …


Good morning ☕ my cookie monster loves ☆ O V E R N I G H T O A T S ☆ what I think is great is filling the oatmeal for a long time, since the blood sugar level rises only slowly after eating. Cravings are almost impossible.
You need: 3 tablespoons of oatmeal
1 tsp chia seeds
100 ml almond milk
1/2 pomegranate
1 tablespoon of Forever Ultra Vanilla

For the topping:
Whole grain oatmeal from @koelln_deutschland.
1 pomegranate

Mix everything with almond milk in a glass and put in the fridge overnight.
I wanted to thank the wonderful @alicewunderszauberzeug again for their really touching words! ? It really means a lot to me and I'm also glad to know you and hope to get to know you even better !! Also for all the tips … this also applies to @ marikes.healthy.recipes Thank you for everything !!! ?
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