Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys We had chocolate nicecream yesterday afternoon. Edw …

Good morning lovelys
We had chocolate nicecream yesterday afternoon. Edw …


Good morning you love ❤️
We had chocolate nicecream yesterday afternoon. Edwin is not eating so well at the moment because he is ill .. But you can always lure him with something like that ?. And since the weather feels like autumn at the moment I thought with such a delicious bowl Nicecream we bring the summer back ☺️.
2 ripe bananas (frozen)
4 tablespoons (vegetable) milk
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 pinch of ground vanilla
Put everything in the blender and then top with coconut and kiwi. ,
, ,
#coconutbowls #smoothiebowl #smoothies #smoothie_planet #kaylaitsines #smoothierecipes #smoothie #healthy #healthy #nicecream # breakfast #dish #healthyfood #veganbowl #thingsilove #lovefood #cleaneating #healthyfoodrecipes #veganfoodspace #veganbowls #vegan #lecker #banana #befitfoods #befitsmoothies #supersmoothiebowls #healthyfood



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