Sweet Deals

Good morning last day of the weekend since you got up early or slept late …

Good morning last day of the weekend since you got up early or slept late …


Good morning ? Last day of the weekend ? Are you an early bird or a late riser? So I would rather be the late sleeper aaaaaaber ? that is not possible ? because … #mama everyday
and so … is not bad ? you get used to it ??
I just had chocolate for breakfast ?

Chocolate-Chia Pudding ?250ml unsweetened almond milk?5 sweet dates?3 tsp cocoa powder
?35g chia seeds?1 tsp grated vanilla pinch of salt

Put the almond milk with the remaining ingredients in the blender / blender and mix until a creamy consistency is achieved. TIP: Freeze some of the almond milk in the freezer to ice cubes, then the pudding cools down directly. Alternatively, chill after mixing.

On a wonderful Sunday ?? #cheatday #cleaneating #fitfam #healthybreakfast #healthyfood #gesundundlecker #ichliebefoodblogs #superfood #ab Slim #gesundessen #gymlife



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