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Fruit & Yogurt Granola Tartsso so good! Thanks again #thrivemags for featuring m…

Fruit & Yogurt Granola Tartsso so good!
Thanks again #thrivemags for featuring m…


?Fruit & Yogurt Granola Tarts?so so good!
??Thanks again #thrivemags for featuring me in your summer issue. I’m loving this issue. There are so many inspiring ideas and recipes.
?Tart Recipe
Process 2c oats, 1c pecans, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/4c pitted dates until fine. Mix in 1/2c apple/peach sauce, 1/4c oil (I used macadamia), 1 tsp vanilla. Press into 5 mini tart molds. Bake 375 about 20 mins. Top with fruit, yogurt, seeds, nuts. .
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