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Fire-roasted black bean chili with optional tempehUsing fire-roasted tomatoes is…

Fire-roasted black bean chili with optional tempehUsing fire-roasted tomatoes is…


?Fire-roasted black bean chili with optional tempeh??Using fire-roasted tomatoes is a real game changer in this chili. (You can omit the tempeh if you prefer but it’s really yummy in this chili and a great way start liking tempeh!) Hearty and really yummy. Your tummy will be rejoicing.?
?Recipe: If adding tempeh (otherwise skip to onion): Boil 8oz-block tempeh for about 3 minutes. Strain and rinse under cold water. Use hands to crumble into ground ‘meat-like’ pieces. Add 1 tbsp olive oil, dash paprika, dash chili powder, dash chipotle and pinch salt. Rub tempeh to coat with olive oil and spices. Bake on lined sheet at 375F until a little crispy. ?Meanwhile, sauté 1 yellow onion in a little olive oil or broth for about 5-7 minutes until translucent. Add 3 minced garlic cloves, 1-1/2 tsp paprika, 1-1/2 tsp cumin, 3/4 tsp chili powder, 1/2 tsp chipotle. Sauté another 30 seconds until fragrant. Add 2 tbsp tomato paste + 1-14oz can fire-roasted tomatoes. Stir to incorporate. (Optional: blend half of sauce until smooth and return to saucepan.) Strain 1-15oz can black beans, reserving liquid. Add canned beans (or 1-3/4 cups cooked beans) to saucepan along with 1/2 cup reserved can liquid (or bean cooking liquid). Mix in tempeh crumbles (optional). If you didn’t add tempeh, use side of a spatula to mash some of the beans while cooking to thicken the chili. Simmer about 15 minutes, adding more bean liquid or veggie broth as needed. .



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Hatice Demir

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