Food Minimalist

EASY SRIRACHA TEMPEH BOWL I can’t even explain how much I love tempeh. The tast…

EASY SRIRACHA TEMPEH BOWL  I can’t even explain how much I love tempeh. The tast…


EASY SRIRACHA TEMPEH BOWL ✨ I can’t even explain how much I love tempeh. The taste, the texture, high in protein, fibre, iron, probiotics and calcium, and how easy it is to cook ?? Are you a tempeh fan?! ?.
To make ??:
Cut tempeh into strips, then place in a large pan. Blend together 1 cup of veggie broth, 2 tsp sriracha, 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp maple syrup, + 1 tsp garlic powder. Pour mixture over tempeh, then cook on medium for ~10 minutes until the liquid has cooked into the tempeh/evaporated completely, flipping the tempeh every few minutes until done. I originally got this cooking method from @frommybowl and it’s SUCH a game changer. Check out her smoky tempeh recipe for more delciousness ✨ Serve in sandwiches, bowls, or on its own ?



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