Food Minimalist

Curried crispy chickpeas on lemony yogurt, garlicky kale sautéed in duck fat, fr…


Curried crispy chickpeas on lemony yogurt, garlicky kale sautéed in duck fat, fried egg
In a large cast iron pan, heat up some olive oil on medium heat and add in a can of drained and patted-dry chickpeas. Sprinkle on a bit of curry powder and cook undisturbed for about 10-min or more, stirring occasionally until golden and a bit crispy. Stir some lemon juice into yogurt, spoon onto your serving bowl or plate, top with chickpeas, serve with your choice of sautéed veg and a fried egg. Drizzle everything with more good quality olive oil. Season with sea salt, pepper, Aleppo pepper and hot sauce.
Inspired by an oldie-but-a-goodie @alisoneroman’s @healthy_ish recipe in @bonappetitmag



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