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Creamy one-pot cheezy broccoli pasta soup(option for oil-free). Quick & Easy! I …

Creamy one-pot cheezy broccoli pasta soup(option for oil-free). Quick & Easy! I …


?Creamy one-pot cheezy broccoli pasta soup?(option for oil-free). Quick & Easy! ?I made my first cooking video for this soup yesterday. It’s in my story but please bear with me… it’s very rustic! I’m working on it.?
?Recipe: Sauté 1 small chopped onion in a little oil or broth until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add 2 minced garlic cloves and 1/2 tsp mustard powder. Cook another 30 seconds. Add 2 cups small broccoli florets. Mix and cook another minute. Add 2 tbsp all-purpose flour (or gluten-free) and mix well to coat broccoli while cooking. Once flour is incorporated (a minute or two), add 3 cups veggie broth, 1 tbsp tamari or soy sauce, 3 tbsp nutritional yeast and stir to incorporate. Mix well so flour doesn’t get lumpy. Add 2 cups dry pasta. Bring to a gentle boil while stirring. Cover and cook on low heat, stirring regularly (to prevent pasta from sticking) and adding more broth as needed. Cook until pasta is ready (al dente). (I used an additional 1 cup veggie broth.) Salt to taste.



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Hatice Demir

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