Sweet Deals

Christmas Apple Crumble Dessert Advertising | Christmas is getting closer and you …

Christmas Apple Crumble Dessert Advertising | Christmas is getting closer and you …


Christmas Apple Crumble Dessert ?✨ Advertising is getting closer and you are still looking for a dessert?
And this time even healthy ? ♥ ️. Yeah, I can do that too ?.
Can be prepared nicely and is super tasty ♥ ️. What are your treats for the Christmas holidays?
I'll try a few other desserts and try them out over the days. Let's see what comes out of it ?.
Would you like some delicious desserts?
Then let me know ?

150 g curd
2 tbsp erythritol @ got7nutrition
1 apple
Caramel Sauce @ got7nutrition
vanilla extract
1 Flapjack VANILLE – APPLE – Cinnamon @ got7nutrition

Mix the quark with erithyd, vanilla extract and a sip of water.
Wash, peel, core and cut the apple into small pieces. Mix together with the caramel sauce and a little cinnamon.

Then first fill the curd cream in a glass, then the caramel apples and finally topping with the flapjack apple – vanilla – cinnamon (cut into small pieces).

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