Sweet Deals

Chocolate Quark BLATZLGood morning you love me hope you all had a good …

Chocolate Quark BLATZLGood morning you love me hope you all had a good …


Chocolate Quark BLATZL

Good morning you love ❤️ I hope you all had a good start into the new week ? today there is a recipe for you back. These Blatzl are crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside
fresh they taste best ..
If you try something from me I'm always happy about your pictures ?. It's nice to know that you not only like my creations but also taste them!
So and now to the recipe,

You need :
100 g of lean quark
50 ml rapeseed oil
Mark a vanilla pod
70 g of Xucker Light
150 g of flour
5 g baking powder
1 small cup of chocolate drops


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C (circulating air preheat).
Mix the moist ingredients with sugar and the pith of vanilla pod in a bowl. Then mix the flour with the baking powder and knead it by hand under the quark oil mass. The Schokodrops knead. The dough is moist and sticky, but that must be so. Now form about 6 bales and place them on a sheet of baking paper. Bake for about 20 minutes

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