Food Minimalist

Charred Hakurei turnips, sautéed with its greens and scallions in a buttery-soy …

Charred Hakurei turnips, sautéed with its greens and scallions in a buttery-soy …


Charred Hakurei turnips, sautéed with its greens and scallions in a buttery-soy sauce mixture, dressed up in toasted sesame oil, toasted sesame seeds and shichimi togarashi. Plate up as is for an easy and flavorful side dish or serve with white rice for a vegetarian meal.
Separate two bunches of Hakurei turnips (also known as Japanese or Tokyo turnips) from the greens. Quarter or halve the turnips, and chop the greens into bite-sized pieces. Slice up a couple scallions, separating the white parts from the green.
In a hot cast iron pan on med-high heat, warm up two large spoonfuls of ghee (not regular unclarified butter bc it’ll burn!). Add in the turnips and cook undisturbed for about 3-4 minutes, until lightly charred and golden on one side. Give everything a toss and cook the other side for another minute or so. Remove turnips from pan.
In the same pan, heat up a bit more ghee and stir in the scallion whites, cook until fragrant, about 30 sec – 1 min. Stir in the turnip greens and cook until just wilted but still green, about a minute or two. Return the turnips back to the pan, toss to combine. Pour in two large spoonfuls of soy sauce, and let it reduce a bit. Things will get steamy; turn down the heat a bit and cook until soy sauce has combined with the ghee to form a sort of glossy sauce. Turn off the heat and stir in the scallion greens. Transfer everything to a serving plate and top with toasted sesame oil, sesame seeds and a sprinkling of shichimi togarashi. Add a splash of rice vinegar for a touch of brightness but is great without it as well. Serve with rice as a meal or by itself for a side dish! #f52meatless



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Hatice Demir

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