Food Minimalist

Breakfast for dinner of fried eggs with crispy sharp cheddar + extra crispy baco…

Breakfast for dinner of fried eggs with crispy sharp cheddar + extra crispy baco…


Breakfast for dinner of fried eggs with crispy sharp cheddar + extra crispy bacon (how I like it!), with a bit of parsley to balance things out ? Don’t forget the hot sauce for the eggs and real maple syrup for the bacon. Inspired by one of @julesfood’s countless mouth-watering and totally approachable recipes.
Over medium heat, in a hot nonstick or carbon steel pan, sprinkle a handful or two of shredded sharp cheddar around the pan. Once it’s getting kinda melty, add a bit of oil in the center of the pan and crack one or two eggs over the oil. Working quickly, sprinkle more cheese around and over the egg whites and continue to cook until the cheddar has melted and is becoming more golden and crispy-looking. Adjust the heat between medium / medium-high if needed. Once the egg whites are set and the cheese is golden enough to your liking, slide the egg + cheese duo onto a plate, top with some parsley + your fave hot sauce, and serve with bacon. ?? #f52eggs



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