Sweet Deals

Beautiful good morning sweet mouth today is a special day for my …

Beautiful good morning sweet mouth today is a special day for my …


Beautiful good morning Süssmunders ?☕❣ today is a special day for my little man .. we have a trial day in kindergarten❣ time is running ⏲ is a strange feeling … first in the stomach and now soon in kindergarten ? well ok until October It's still a while .. ?
Have something delicious for you ?
Cherry cake in a glass … a dream.
Ingredients for the soil: 75 grams of grated coconut 100 grams of chopped nuts 1 egg white | 1 tablespoon of Xucker | Water.
Ingredients for the cream: 250 g lean quark 100 g Greek yogurt | 2 tbsp Xucker @ xucker.de | 1 tsp Forever Ultra Vanilla.
Ingredients for the fruit topping: 150 grams of cherries tk | 1 tablespoon of Xucker
Preparation of the soil: Mix the grated coconut and nuts with the egg white, the xucker and a dash of water. Spread the mass on a baking sheet and bake everything at 125 ° C top / bottom heat for about an hour. In between turn over and over until everything takes on a nice golden yellow color. Let cool and then pour into the glasses.
Preparation of the cream: Mix the curd with the yoghurt and the xucker and #foreverultra until creamy. Pour the mixture into the glasses.
Preparation of the fruit topping: Wash, stone and halve the cherries. Mix with the Xucker and bring to the boil while stirring. Let stand for an hour and finally pour on the curd cream.

You can also spread fresh cherries (seasonal) on the cream.

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