Pratik Tarifler

Avocado Pesto Toasts Had this for snack today. Left us feeling #avofruitfull . E…

Avocado Pesto Toasts
Had this for snack today. Left us feeling #avofruitfull .


?Avocado Pesto Toasts?
?Had this for snack today. Left us feeling #avofruitfull .
Easy to whip up and usually a real crowd-pleaser (if that’s important to you). ????????
Process 2 avocados, 1 packed cup basil leaves, 1/2c walnuts, 1/2c olive oil, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 cloves garlic, salt/pepper to taste.
#govegan #bestofvegan #ahealthynut #avocado #avocadotoast #toast #eatclean #eattheworld #eatrealfood #eatgreen #eattherainbow #wholefoods #wholefoodsfaves #healthyfoodshare #healthyfoodie #poweredbyplants #plantpowered #thefeedfeed #ahealthynut #indianmoms #nycfoodie #nutritionist #icapturefood #veganeats #vegansofig #thevegansclub #fitfam #f52grams @wholefoods @a.healthy.nut



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