Pratik Tarifler

Always wanted curly hair but I guess I’ll have to settle for curly pasta. . Chec…

Always wanted curly hair but I guess I’ll have to settle for curly pasta.


?Always wanted curly hair but I guess I’ll have to settle for curly pasta??.
??‍?Check out my story for more about my cooking adventure at the incredible plant-based East Harlem School.??‍?.
.?Creamy Mushroom Pasta. Sauté about 1 lb sliced mushrooms in olive oil, medium high heat. After mushrooms have browned, add 2 finely diced shallots, 4 minced garlic cloves, 2tsp fresh rosemary, salt/pepper to taste. Sauté until shallots translucent. Add 4c vegetable broth and 2c almond/cashew milk. Bring to a boil, add 12oz pasta, reduce heat and simmer about 8-10 minutes until pasta is cooked. Remove 1/2c of cooking liquid into a bowl and whisk in about 1 1/2 tbsp mellow miso until dissolved. Pour miso broth mixture back to pot and add 2Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional). (Add more broth/milk if needed.)?. It’s almost #Friyay ?. Any weekend plans?
#healthyrecipes #lovefood #pasta #mushrooms #veganpasta #iamwellandgood #veganrecipes #indianmoms #feedfeedvegan #veganshares #veganfoodlovers #veganfoodspot #letscookvegan #eattherainbow #foodblogeats #foods4thought #wholefoodsfaves #plantbased #heresmyfood #eathealthy #eatrealfood #nycfoodie #buzzfeast



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