Sweet Deals

Advertising | Good morning dear ones Today there is a delicious breakfast for breakfast …

Advertising | Good morning dear ones
Today there is a delicious breakfast for breakfast …


Advertising | Good morning you love ❤️
Today, for breakfast, there is a delicious bowl full of cottage cheese with oat bran and fruit ❤️
and on what I am particularly pleased .. the first sweet so far blackberries from our garden ?. Have a nice day ?.
125 g of lean quark
100 g raspberries (fresh or frozen)
1 tbsp oat bran
1 pinch of ground vanilla pod
lemon juice
some grated lemon peel
Vanilla Flavordrops @ got7nutrition to sweeten
Gently crush the raspberries and then pass through a sieve. Mix the resulting mush with the quark, lemon juice, peel, bran and vanilla pod. Sweeten to taste with flavordrops.
With the code Magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
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