Sweet Deals

3 ingredients Quarkbällchen from the ovenGood morning lovelys The quark balls …

3 ingredients Quarkbällchen from the ovenGood morning lovelys
The quark balls …


3 ingredients Quarkbällchen from the oven

Good morning you love ❤️
The quark balls do not only taste delicious, they are also mega easy in the preparation. Perfect as a snack in between or as a meal prep for work.
Of course they are not comparable to the original Quarkbällchen but I think they are a great alternative ☺️. 175 g of lean quark
30 g of melted flakes
Sweetness according to taste

Mix quark, melted flakes and sweetness in a bowl and make small balls with wet hands. Bake in the oven at 180 ° for about 15 minutes.
I then dusted them with powdered sugar and ate fried cinnamon apples.

Have a nice day ?. #gesunderezepte #healthyfood #quarkballs #healthyfood #lowcarbdeutschland #weightwatchersdeutschland #blitzrecipe # quarkknödel #easyrecipe # lose weight2019 # fast food #mealprep #snack #breakfast # breakfast #slight recipes #baking #healthybreasting #bakingmaking happy #weightloss #deliberating #foodfood



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