Sweet Deals

ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ Good morning dear ones, outside it is gray and cold but that does not make …

ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ Good morning dear ones, outside it is gray and cold but that does not make …


ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ Good morning dear ones, outside it is gray and cold but that does not matter that simmer on the stove a creamy porridge. A good breakfast can sweeten the morning. Do you feel the same?
Have a nice day ?.
, ▪️Recipe?:
100 ml of water
200 ml almond milk
50 g of tender oatmeal
20 g of melted flakes
Cinnamon & sugar @hartkorn_gewuerze. , ▪Cold oats, milk and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil while stirring. Reduce the heat and simmer the porridge for a few minutes until creamy. Occasionally stir, so that nothing burns.
At the toppings I was inspired by the liebe @ ginaa_marie99 ? sooo delicious! – peach pieces
– yogurt
– Banana
– Soy crispies
– White chocolate
– waffle rolls
– Caramel sauce
#oatmeal #breakfast #porridge #breakfastgoals #healthybreakfast #breakfastbowl #veganbowl #oats #veganbreakfast #veganfood #foodphotography #cleaneats #breakfastideas #vegansofig #wholefoods #cleaneating #bestofvegan #foodblogger #veganrecipes #eathealthy #eatclean #smoothiebowl #supersmoothiebowl #gloobyfood #befitfoods #thrivemags #feedfeed #hartkorngewürzeze #foodiesconnected



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