Sweet Deals

Wonderful good morning from Lower Bavaria after the day of forgetting there's …

Wonderful good morning from Lower Bavaria after the day of forgetting there's …


Beautiful good morning from Lower Bavaria ☕ after the day of forgetting there is a power breakfast today ?? breakfast smoothie bowl ? ingredients
?2 heaped tablespoons of quark ?1 banana
?1-2 handfuls of raspberries
ÜsseSweetness to taste ? Flaxseed?Granola
Process half of the banana, curd cheese, some water and half of the raspberries in a blender or with a fork into a porridge. Consistency: yogurt.
Place in a bowl and decorate with the other half of the banana, the remaining raspberries and everything else. A fresh smoothie alone would make me very happy on many days, but if I get healthy treats on top of it, I'm all the more happy # breakfast #smoothiebowl #fitfood #foodblogger #foodporn #mamaalltag # protein #loveeat #xucker #foreverproud #foreverultra



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