Sweet Deals

[Werbung] The weekend must start with a tasty meal, right? So what's the …

[Werbung] The weekend must start with a tasty meal, right? So what's the …


[Advertising] The weekend has to start with a tasty meal, right? So what could be more obvious than a few delicious and healthy brownie bites?. What are you going to do today?
Happy weekend dear
Recipe: 40 g spelled flour, 20 g coconut flour, 15 g chocolate protein, 10 g baked cocoa, 100 g yoghurt, 40 gr hazelnut sauce @eisbluemerl_naturkost, 6 g baking powder, 35 g Xucker, 90 unsweetened apple pulp, 20 g cocoa nips @sportnahrungwehle,
Mixes the wet ingredients and mixes the dry separately. Then mix everything briefly with a spoon. Finally, add cocoa nips to the dough. I took an approx. 20 – 24 cm long cake mold to get the typical flat brownie thickness. Then give everything for about 30 min. At 180 ° in the oven. Let everything cool completely.
with the code: RPChristina10RP you save 10% when shopping at @sportnahrungwehle
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