Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Life is too short to constantly ask yourself what others think of a h …

[Werbung] Life is too short to constantly ask yourself what others think of a h …


[Advertisement] Life is too short to constantly ask yourself what others think of you!
What I want to tell you is: Be yourself! Because that's exactly how I like you ?.
Today there are crepes with chocolate pudding! Was What do you like to fill your crêpes with? ??
I wish you a nice day ??
Recipe: 70 g flour or spelled flour, 80 ml oat milk, 70 ml mineral water, xucker to taste, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar and grated a tonka bean @spice_bar. Mix everything well and let it rest for approx. 10 min. Fry in a coated pan and fill with chocolate pudding. ,
My contribution goes to the #foodyandspicy Challenge from @dani_fitlifestyle @foodyboard @spice_bar ?

#vegan #rezepte #plantbased #pfannkuchen # crêpes #crepes #breakfast #ahealthynut #foodie #veganworldshare #foodblog #gloobyfood #feedfeed #cleaneating #protein #fitnessfood #foodblogliebe #healthylifestyle # breakfast #backen #raspberry #healthy #delicious #chocolate #hereismyfood @food #thrivemags @thrivemags #deliciouslyhealthysweets



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