Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Good morning my loves! After unfortunately too little sleep there is …

[Werbung] Good morning my loves! After unfortunately too little sleep there is …


(Advertising) good morning my dear! ? After unfortunately too little sleep, we first have creamy vanilla porridge with hot cherries ?.
You should treat yourself to something every day? that's what life is for! ? ? I was inspired by the lovely Katja @breakfastwithflowers with her beautiful flower picturesbilder who loves flowers so much? ?
Have a good start to the weekend ☺?
Recipe: Bring 500ml of plant milk (a little of it in a shaking cup and shake with half a packet of custard powder) and stir in with 70g of melted flakes while stirring so that there are no lumps. Then add a few vanilla flavordrops @ got7nutrition and stir in a little milk until a creamy consistency is obtained ??.
?My photo background is from @ foodyboard?.

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