Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Good morning lovelys. After you made my raw food muffins so great …

[Werbung] Good morning lovelys. After you made my raw food muffins so great …


(Advertisement) Good morning, dear ones. After you found my raw food muffins so great, I made them again yesterday and this time with raspberry nicecream and coconut milk ?? just convince yourself of it ?.
Have a wonderful day?.
For the floor: 150 g oatmeal, 100 g dates, 100 g raisins (or other dried fruit), 50 g almonds.
For the middle layer: 200 g cashew nuts, 3 tablespoons rice syrup @reishunger, 1 vanilla bean, 3 tablespoons coconut oil, juice of half a lime.
Place the dates, raisins and chashew nuts in a bowl with water and soak overnight.
Then put the dates, raisins, almonds in a blender and mix. Spread the layer in a muffin tin, smooth out and place in the freezer. Mix the cashew nuts, rice syrup, vanilla, coconut oil and lime juice and add this layer to the muffin tin and smooth out.
I have a nicecream for the top layer
a very frozen ripe banana sliced
250 g frozen raspberries
50-100ml coconut milk
if necessary, sweeteners, put everything in the blender and as the last layer on top and put in the freezer. ,
I got my photo background from @foodyboard.
#healthy #rezept #rohkost #rawcake #vegetarian #cakeoftheday #caketime #kuchenliebe # baking power happy #healthycake #nobakecake #kuchen #healthyfood #fitness #instafood #ab slim #recipe #yummy #fitfood #healthy #lecker #foodblogliebe #vegdeutschland
#magicfitfood #fitnessfood #foodstylist



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