Sweet Deals

Strawberry tartlet with custard (recipe)I love strawberry cake! and on the left …

Strawberry tartlet with custard (recipe)I love strawberry cake! and on the left …


Strawberry tartlet with custard ? (recipe)

I love strawberry cake! and preferably with lots of custard ?.
In my story I already showed you how great the floor has become! However, it has become too high for a standard strawberry cake, so I made small strawberry tarts out of the divided cake base!
The recipe you get is half of the ingredients I used.
So you can make a normal strawberry cake or 6 small tarts if you have small forms for it.

Ingredients: (for a 26 springform pan)
150 g sugar or other sweetness
150 g margarine
150 g flour
3 eggs
½ pack baking powder
½ pack vanilla sugar

1 pack of pudding powder (vanilla)
350 ml milk
3 tablespoons of sugar or other sweetness
1 pack of cake icing
500 g fresh strawberries

Make a batter from margarine, sugar, flour, eggs, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Pour into a greased Sprinform or lined with baking paper and bake at 180 ° for 15-20 minutes.
Let the cake cool completely after baking.
Cook the custard with only 350ml milk according to the package instructions. Let it cool a bit, spread it on the floor and put it in the fridge. If the pudding is firm,
Wash the strawberries, cut them in half and place them on the cake. Prepare the icing according to the package instructions. Sprinkle the strawberries with sugar and cover with icing.

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