Sweet Deals

Strawberry Protein Nicedream Advertising | Hello you love this creamy icecream …

Strawberry Protein Nicedream
Advertising | Hello you love this creamy icecream …


Strawberry Protein Nicedream ?✨
Hello dear ☺️ this creamy ice-cooled protein dessert is perfect for the summer ..
All you need is:
150 g strawberries, frozen
100 g of vegetable milk or water
25 g Classic Protein Strawberry @ got7nutrition
I've added a few more drops of Strawberry Flavordrops @ got7nutrition
Have a nice evening ?. ,
 10% on everything @ got7nutrition with the code “Magic10”
Proteins, Flavordrops, Snacks u.v.m – www.GOT7.de
5% with the code Magic5 @foodyboard
, ,
#smoothiebowls @smoothiebowls #befitfoods #smoothiebowl #smoothies #feedfeed #icecream #ee #proteins #proteinine #pink #healthydessert #healthy #nice #desserts #thrivemags #veganworldshare #veganfoodspace @veganfoodspace # strawberries #smoothiebowl #strawberry #foodblogger #foodblogliebe #foodlover #fitfood #fitness #veganbowls #befitsmoothies @befitsmoothies #kaylaitsines @kayla_itsines #gloobyfood #smoothie_planet



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