Sweet Deals

So easy and mega delicious … You have to try it !! Pomegranate curd 250 g …

So easy and mega delicious …
You have to try it !! Pomegranate curd 250 g …


So simple and mega tasty … ?
You have to try it !! Pomegranate curd cheese ?250 g lean curd cheese ?125 g low-fat yoghurt?1 tbsp mineral water
ArkMark a vanilla pod?3 tsp?Xucker (at will) ?1 pomegranate
Mix the curd with the yogurt, water, vanilla and xucker until smooth.
Pour into a bowl and top or mix with the pomegranate. Finished.

Tip: Peeling a pomegranate is a very tedious and, above all, stain-rich affair.☝ It is very easy and without stains if you cut the pomegranate in half. Now break the fruit into a bowl of cold water and break the bowl under water into several parts. So the cores can be easily removed. ?✔The seeds then sink to the ground. Shell and white membrane float on the top where they can be easily removed. Then drain the seeds in a sieve. ✔

I wish you a nice evening ❤? #food #dessert #fitnesslifestyle #fitfoodie #food #healthyfood #fitness #fitnessmotivation #loveeating # protein #protein #bodybuilding #diet #healthyfood #health # Essenmachtglücklich #foodblogger #feedfeed #xucker #foreverproud # forever ultra



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