Sweet Deals

ROASTED MUSHROOM TAHINI TOAST! This is simple yet literally perfection & a MUST …

ROASTED MUSHROOM TAHINI TOAST! This is simple yet literally perfection & a MUST …


ROASTED MUSHROOM TAHINI TOAST! This is simple yet literally perfection & a MUST TRY! You will get so hooked ON tahini sauce!

When I was on my vegan food tour with @vibeisrael last November I met the Incredible, kind, talented @markiv_sodi ?✨ We spent hours in her kitchen talking about our lives & food of course ? I took her tips and tricks after I tried her tahini sauce and have been making it weekly since I got back from Israel. I’m obsessed. I put it in EVERYTHING, even my tofu scramble ? I think my israelis would be proud though because creamy tahini sauce (which btw in Israel is just called tahini… and it’s pure form is tahini paste) seemed to be involved in nearly all of our meals & I was always more then ok with it ? swipe & try not to drool ^

Rustic bread
Shiitake mushrooms
Thyme, chopped
2 tbsp avocado oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground pepper
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
Tahini sauce
1 cup tahini
1/2 cup cold water (or more depending on what consistency you want)
Juice of 2 lemons
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground pepper + any other spices you want like paprika!

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Add mushrooms, minced garlic, chopped thyme, 2-3 tbsp oil, and 1/2 tsp salt and a pinch of cracked pepper on a rimmed baking sheet and toss making sure mushrooms are well seasoned. Bake in oven, tossing halfway through, until deeply golden brown and crisped, about 25 minutes.
2. In a bowl add 1 cup tahini and half the amount of cold water. Mix then add the remaining water, lemon juice mix until smooth and creamy. Add more water if needed! Add the salt, pepper and garlic powder. Mix again. * you can store it in a jar in your fridge for up to a couple weeks! Enjoy on rice bowls, veggies and of course on toast ?
3. Once your mushrooms are done, and tahini sauce is ready, toast bread and spread tahini sauce then top off with mushrooms and flakey salt! •

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