Sweet Deals

Rɑw Rɑspberry Nɑnɑ Cheesecɑkeᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Hello my dears Who would like to have a …

Rɑw Rɑspberry Nɑnɑ Cheesecɑkeᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Hello my dears
Who would like to have a …


Rɑw Rɑspberry Nɑnɑ Cheesecɑke

ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Hello you love ☺️
Who would like to taste a super tasty and creamy no bake cheesecake with raspberry bananas?
I wish you a nice weekend ?. Recipe:
Peeled 250 g of almonds
100 g almonds with shell
150 g dates
2 tablespoons cocoa
some almond milk
Cashew filling
400 g of cashew nuts
150 g of coconut oil
50 ml agave syrup
1.5 bananas
Mark of 1 vanilla pod
Juice of 1 lemon
Some frozen raspberries

Soak the cashews in cold water in the fridge for at least 2 hours (better overnight).
Meanwhile put 6-8 small dessert dishes on a flat plate. For the soil, place all the ingredients in a food processor and chop them to form a coherent mass. For this may add some almond milk. Put the mixture on the prepared dessert molds or silicone muffin bowls and press well. Put in the fridge or freezer.
Coconut oil melt. Mix with soaked cashews, agave syrup, vanilla pulp, lemon juice and bananas in the Foodprocessor. Halve the mass in half. Put in one half frozen raspberries and puree again. The more you give, the pinker the mass and more intense the raspberry flavor. Put the light mass on the ground. Place in the freezer for about 15 minutes. Then first a few frozen raspberries and then give the raspberry mass. Put in the freezer again for about an hour. Remove from the chest 20 minutes before serving. You can also put them in the freezer overnight.

#simplerecipe #beautifulcuisines #thingsilove #sweettooth #soulfood #thrivemags @thrivemags #vegetarianrecipes #bestofvegan #letscookvegan #highprotein #healthyfoods #heresmyfood #foodmaking #nobake #rawcake #cakelover #healthy #recipes #cheesecake # cheesecake #feedfeed #foodblogliebe #fitness #veganfoodspace #veganfoodspot #desserts



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