Sweet Deals

Peach poppy parfait with strawberries , , Advertising | Hello you love. I had …

Peach poppy parfait with strawberries
, ,
Advertising | Hello you love.
I had …


Peach poppy parfait with strawberries ?
, ,
Advertising | Hello you love ☺️.
Today I was so hungry for yogurt with poppy seeds and fruits. Made fast and delicious!
Do you like eating poppy too?
With us it has become totally cold and raining tuts too.
Do you have plans for the weekend? Should be the whole weekend bad weather ☔.
Have a nice evening ?.
?200 g alpro soy
?1 tsp poppy
?Vanilla Flavordrops @ got7nutrition ?Get a tonka bean ?Peach and strawberry fritters.
VerMix yogurt with poppy seeds and Tonka and add fruit.
?With the code Magic10 you save 10% @ got7nutrition.
?With the code Magic5 you save 5% @foodyboard.



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