Sweet Deals

Overnight Oats 》 With blueberries 《for 1 glass (400-500 ml capacity, with broad …

Overnight Oats
》 With blueberries 《for 1 glass (400-500 ml capacity, with broad …


“Overnight Oats”
》 With blueberries 《?for 1 glass (400-500 ml capacity, with wide opening)
?50 g oatmeal ?1 tbsp chia seeds?100 – 125 ml milk, almond or coconut drink
Geh2 tbsp of Greek yogurt
TL1 tsp Xucker?1 El Magic Stuff
Ban½ banana ?1 dash of lemon juice
?Blueberries ?Oatmeal, chia seeds, almond or coconut drink, yoghurt and magic stuff in a bowl until smooth.? Peel the banana, crush with a fork. Put a dash of lemon juice on top and mix with honey or maple or agave syrup. If you want, you can stir in some more liquid.
Mix or layer the mixture in a screw-top or ironing jar. Close the jar and chill overnight.
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