Sweet Deals

Nana Nicecream , Advertising | Good morning dear ones How about a delicious …

Nana Nicecream
Advertising | Good morning dear ones
How about a delicious …


Nana Nicecream
Advertising | Good morning you love ❤️
How about a delicious bowl full of bananas Nicecream?
I have not done it for far too long.
When did you eat your last nicecream? She's just perfect at these temperatures and done so fast❤️
Everything you need for it are:
3 ripe bananas (frozen)
3 tablespoons of coconut milk
And a mixer.
I'm not a nicecream pro like many other foodies here, but I will practice ??.
I got this Pretty Coconut Bowl from @coconutbowls. Thanks again for that ❤️. ,
I wish you a nice new week ❤️
#coconutbowl #smoothiebowl #smoothies #smoothie_planet #kaylaitsines #smoothierecipes #smoothie #gloobyfood #healthy #nicecream # breakfast #dish #healthyfood #veganbowl #thingsilove #lovefood #cleaneating #healthyfoodrecipes #veganfoodspace #veganbowls #vegan #lecker #banana #befitfoods #befitsmoothies #supersmoothiebowls



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