Sweet Deals

#monday mooorning with a cup and a good mood Wish you a wonderful …

#monday mooorning with a cup and a good mood Wish you a wonderful …


#monday mooorning? with a little cup ☕ and a good mood ? Wish you a wonderful good morning sweeties !! Did you sleep well??? We have chocolate chia pudding with cherries and some cereal on top ?
You need: ?250ml unsweetened almond milk gut well-heaped teaspoons chocolate whey
?35g chia seeds? pinch of salt.
Mix everything and let it swell !!!! I wish you a good start to the day !! With this contribution I participate in the #fitdichmüsli Challenge from @fit_mellybelly #fit_mellybelly in cooperation with @suessundclever.

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#iifym #instafood # f52grams #bodybuilding #mama #kinder #protein # mussli #balanceisthekey #whey #chiapudding #schoki



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