Sweet Deals

Marble cake (recipe)Good morning lovelys . How about a simple …

Marble cake (recipe)Good morning lovelys .
How about a simple …


Marble cake ? (recipe)

Good morning dear ❤️.
How about a simple marble cake?
I recently made it with cherries, unfortunately it didn’t make it into the picture but … I can really only recommend it to you to try it ❤️. I wish you a nice Sunday ❤️. Recipe:
3 eggs
150 g apple pulp
150 g spelled flour
1 packet of baking powder
50 g ground almonds
Grated vanilla pod
1 pinch of salt
70 ml low-fat milk
25 g cocoa
60 g erythritol (try the dough if it’s sweet enough for you)

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease a ring cake mold.
Mix the eggs, erythritol and apple pulp in a large bowl using the hand mixer.
Mix the flour, baking powder, ground almonds, pulp of a vanilla bean and salt.
Add the flour mixture and milk to the egg and apple pulp mixture. Mix quickly and well until a creamy mass is created.
Pour half of the dough into the prepared form.
Mix the remaining dough with cocoa well.
Pour the dark dough into the crate too. Mix in a circle with a fork so that a marble pattern is created on the inside.
Bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes. Make a stick test. Then take out and let cool.

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