Sweet Deals

Juhu you sweeties  just got my chocolate banana overnight oats for tomorrow morning …

Juhu you sweeties
 just got my chocolate banana overnight oats for tomorrow morning …


Juhu you sweets
 I just prepared my ?Schoko? ?Bananen? overnight oats for tomorrow morning … there is nothing more practical … whether stressed moms? or professionally … great for the work to take away … in the morning just out of the fridge take / take away and enjoy !!! You need:
➡1 / 2 – 1 banana
40240 ml milk
➡100 g tender oatmeal.
EL2 tbsp chocolate drops @ xucker.de
EL2 tbsp greek yogurt
EL2 tbsp Forever Ultra Vanilla.
EL1 / 2 tbsp chia seeds.

Peel and dice the banana. Place the banana cubes in a sealable can.
Add remaining ingredients and mix well.
Close the can and put it in the fridge overnight.
Wish you a nice weekend ?

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