Sweet Deals

It's the little things in life that make you happy , [Werbung] Good morning …

It's the little things in life that make you happy
[Werbung] Good morning …


It's the little things in life that make you happy ??
(Advertisement) Good morning dear. ☺ The weekend starts today with a piece of cake and a cup of coffee. ☕ What are you doing?
Have a nice day and a good start to the well-deserved weekend ?
Recipe: 60 g flour or spelled flour, 15 g coconut flour, grating a tonka bean @spice_bar, 2 tsp apple pulp m, 60 ml milk, 40 ml mineral water, lard cake Flavordrops @ got7nutrition, 1 teaspoon almond butter, a little baking powder (please try the dough beforehand whether it is sweet enough for you!) Mix everything into the mold and bake at 170 ° for approx. 15 minutes!
After cooling, heat 2 cups of frozen raspberries in a saucepan and mix with agar agar (prepare according to package instructions). Then put on the cake and put in the fridge for a few hours. ,
with Magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
with spicymagic 5 € @spice_bar.
#food #foodblogger #cleaneating #cake #instafood #veganfood #lovefood #thrivemags #breakfast #bbg #veganworldshare #hereismyfood #healthylife #rezept #gesunderezepte #fitfood #foodie #healthy #healthyfood #yummy #ahealthynut #foodvoglananare # breakfast #gloobyfood



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