Sweet Deals

Hi dear … here is a delicious curd cake / bake from my mom A little …

Hi dear … here is a delicious curd cake / bake from my mom A little …


Hi dear … here is a delicious curd cake / casserole from my mom @claudia_scherr. A small all-rounder. Warm out of the oven a delicious casserole and cold it tastes like cake because it becomes firm … super delicious ?
How has your day been so far With us it is sooo mega cold !! With you too? | 4 egg (s), separated | sweetness of your choice (had 150g xucker) | 1 pack vanilla sugar | 500 g curd cheese | 100 g flour | 50 g soft wheat semolina | 50g butter | 100 ml milk |
Beat egg yolk and xucker until fluffy. Add the curd and stir. Add the flour, semolina and vanilla sugar and stir again. Beat the egg whites until fluffy and gently fold them under the dough. Pour the milk into a baking dish and spread the butter in small pieces. Place the dough on top and bake in a hot oven for approx. 40 – 45 min at 180 ° C.

Tip: Sprinkle a packet of vanilla sugar over the dough before it goes into the oven, this results in a delicious crust. In addition, fruits of all kinds can be added or compote can be eaten. #healthy #sixpack #healthy #fitfamde #healthy recipes # fitdurch2018 #fitnesmotivation #fitness #motivation #to lose weight #fitness recipes #healthy food #foodpics # happy #foodart #delicious #healthy baking #backenistliebe #waffles #foodblogger_de #mamaallildren #tastyamyyab #cake



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