Sweet Deals

Hey you love me today what happened really stupid Was today with my little …

Hey you love me today what happened really stupid Was today with my little …


Hey dear ? something really stupid happened to me today ??were shopping with my little man today. When we were back home, I auf that my shopping from the dm is missing ich I didn’t actually leave my entire shopping there. But paid for it … ? something like that can only happen to me ? #mamaaltag ?

After all this back and forth I have a super delicious pizza recipe from
Tried @angieeatshealthy ❤

Preheat the oven to 200 °.
100g wholemeal spelled flour
100g low-fat curd
A good pinch of salt
Some baking soda
Water as needed
Mix ingredients with so much water that there is a dough, something sticks. It is best to shape them with a damp spoon on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and prebake in the oven for about 15 minutes. During this time, chop the surface as desired. Remove the bottom and brush with tomato paste, season with salt and pepper and top. Bake for another 10 minutes and then sprinkle with oregano.
#weightlossjourney #delicious #to lose weight without hunger #healthy #healthychoises # healthy nutrition #pizza #essenistliebe #easyfood #foodblogger #goodfoods #healthylifestyle #isntagood #healthyfood #fitness #feedfeed #healthy #kidsfood



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