Sweet Deals

Hey dear! Today there is simply》 Chiapudding with …

Hey dear!
Today there is simply》 Chiapudding with …


Hey dear!
Today there is quite simply》 chia pudding with protein powder and brommelbärchis 《
Chia seeds are real all-rounders. Not only are they really healthy and a wonderful source of nutrients, they are also very versatile in the kitchen. Chia seeds have earned their reputation as superfoods due to their unique richness in important nutrients. Not only do they have an extremely high protein content, they are also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and are also a good source of calcium and iron. This property makes the chia seeds an ideal part of a healthy and balanced diet.
And that's exactly why I love Chia?
With this post I participate in ?CHIAPARTY? #sweetchiapower by @kissalexakiss and @allwomencancook with ? and in the # leckerindenfrühling Challenge by @dani_fitlifestyle and @fit_alexis in cooperation with @vitanatura_plus.
#healthy healthy #sixpack #fitfamde #healthy recipes #fitness #motivation #to lose weight #fitness recipes #healthy food #delicious #foodporn
#iifym #instafood # f52grams #bodybuilding #mama #kinder #protein #breakfast #breakfast #chia #healthy #healthyfood #essen #diet #whey #foodblogliebe



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